M.J. Arcangelini

(with apologies to Neil Young)

5:15 AM in the senior citizen trailer park
car doors slam into the silence, voices,
van doors sliding, the rustling of objects.

I got up, started coffee, peeked around the
closed blinds like the old biddy I’m becoming.

Parked directly across from my trailer
an ambulance idles, doors open, waiting,
the inside as blindingly lit as an ER.

After a while the paramedics closed it up,
drove off – no flashing lights, no siren.

Daylight transforms questions into gossip.


M.J. Arcangelini (b.1952) has resided in northern California since 1979. His work has been published in print magazines, online journals, (including The James White Review, Rusty Truck, The Ekphrastic Review, The Gasconade Review, As It Ought To Be) & over a dozen anthologies.  The most recent of his five collections are: “What the Night Keeps,” (2019) Stubborn Mule Press and “A Quiet Ghost,” (2020) Luchador Press.