Melt into The Night.
My feet dangling from
the balcony’s dilapidated railing
still crisping under the late sun,
plumes of flying ants filling the sky
through my darkened sunglasses
dancing their nuptial flight –
Townes Van Zandt playing in the background,
down below Brazilian workers in this building
coming and going on their mopeds,
delivering take-away food and the word of god –
their rides adorned with religious stickers,
one of which reminds me that HELL IS WAITING –
but I still have another day until Monday
and at that I press my lips against the beer bottle,
my nose already on the scent of another poem,
this city is burning and I remain –
ready to work away,
ready to melt into the night.
Gwil James Thomas is a poet, novelist, and inept musician. He lives in his hometown of Bristol, England but has also lived in London, Brighton, and Spain. His most recent poetry chapbooks are Part English, Part Welsh, Part Wolf (Scumbag Press), The Labourer Poems (Hickathrift Press) and Gold Chains Around our Necks, Hellhounds at Our Heels (Holy & Intoxicated Publications. Two of his poems were also recently featured in the Songs From The Underground anthology (East London Press) alongside the likes of Li-Po, Charles Bukowski, Marquis De Sade, John King and Joseph Ridgwell.