making it the hard way
our part-time clerk
comes over to me and says,
he’s looking at porn again
and sure enough there’s some ginger-haired hasidic kid
with his face pressed up against a computer screen
we’ve had a rash of them here lately
all young men
all hasidic
all looking at internet porn
usually big-breasted blondes
sucking anonymous cock
it’s like we’re running
a digital brothel in here sometimes
i usually let them go
religious repression is hard
and looking at porn in public
is its own sad situation
but when florence comes over
and tells me that
now he’s jerking off
and sure enough
his hand is moving hard
underneath that big black coat
that’s when i had to get the guard
to throw him out
i mean
just looking at
big breasted blondes
sucking anonymous cock
is fine
but we have to maintain
some semblance of decorum
around here